Sciatic Pain Relief Testimony
As a semi-retired pharmacist, seeking therapy for a painful sciatic nerve problem, I decided to use the Cole Chiropractic Clinic. I have always believed in alternative therapy when conventional therapy is not successful.
The paradigm in conventional medicine is to treat the symptoms and not the cause, and I definitely did not want to spend money for an MRI and go under “the knife”. “Nerve pain” can be most excruciating, affecting your overall quality of life. Standing, walking, sitting, and even lying down all affect your sciatic nerve and the intense pain associated with it. Trying to find a comfortable position in bed is often to no avail. I took pain pills, muscle relaxers, and steroids with poor results. I did not want to rely on them, especially with such poor results.
As a pharmacist I knew that the sciatic nerve pain was caused by a vertebral disc pressing on the nerve. The pain was intense and was destroying my “quality of life” with no results from conventional therapy. My neighbor, who had good results from treatment at the Cole Clinic, suggested that I make an appointment. When I was younger and lived in Michigan and Cedar Rapids Iowa, I used chiropractors to alleviate back spasms so I decided to give it a try. We live in what I call a “microwave society” and want results immediately; failing to realize that many ailments that are manifested took years to develop therefore their resolution may take a number of treatments.
I made an appointment and saw Stephanie Halcomb D.C., after the lumbar area of my spine was x-rayed, she showed me how the “cushion” between the two vertebra had deteriorated slightly due to my years of standing and my vertebra were not lined up properly. You must realize that any misalignment, no matter how small can have a major effect on your “quality of life”. Mine was affected drastically so I decided to have as many treatments as she thought was necessary. With every appointment you fill out a form giving information on your process. I am so pleased with the care that I received because my sciatic condition is gone. I volunteered (actually asked them) if I might give them my testimony.
All I can say with total truth is that the pressure on my sciatic nerve was lifted and the pain and numbness left me. I now get one treatment a month to insure that the vertebra that were pressing on my sciatic nerve don’t move to their original position on the day of my first treatment. I have nothing but praise for Dr. Cole and his associate Dr. Halcomb for treating the cause and not the symptoms. I am 70 years old and know with certainty that there are many people with sciatic problems that could be helped with chiropractic care. If only one person reads this lengthy testimony and does not procrastinate about getting chiropractic care for their sciatic nerve pain, I will consider my testimony a success. I have nothing but praise for the Cole Clinic.
Dale B. Paulson, DPh
The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.